Housing & Racial Justice

April 2022: Environmental Justice

From the air we breathe to the proximity of landfills, highways, grocery stories, and gardens near the place we call home, the environment plays a huge role in our physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. Access to clean air, water, healthy food, and green spaces like tree-lined streets and local and national parks are all racial justice issues. Environmental injustices such as these negatively affect communities of color much more than predominantly white communities, and therefore the families FPGROC walks alongside.

From Day 10: Environmental Justice of the 21 Day Racial Equity Challenge, “The effects of environmental injustice are complex and far-reaching. We can take on this issue together through education, advocacy, and action.” Start with this video and follow us on social media for more connections, stories, and action steps!


  • What issues of environmental injustice exist in your community?

  • How might access to clean air, water, healthy food, and green spaces impact families at risk of or experiencing homelessness?

  • What steps can you take to begin addressing environmental injustice?


On air, water, food (farming, food systems, and access to healthy food), trees, environmental hazards, and green spaces.